Don’t Box London Rapper Bxnjamin In, A Walking Creative Enterprise

by Raheem Karim

Album Cover

Bxnjamin Is More Than Emcee, A Creative Force

Hip hop is not for the ordinary emcee, it for the creative emcee that thinks outside the box. London rapper/producer Bxnjamin fits the profile of the creative emcee. I discovered his music on so I had to to dig a little deeper. I must admit I may be week late posting this because he released his album February this year. After listening to his album Some Colour Us Mad (SCUM), I could relate to every word so I had to post this.

What I mean by creative is that you are more than just an emcee. Now days you have artists that are music moguls, apparel designers, actors, film executives, and much more. Bxnjamin is a real artist in every sense of the word. He is talented graphic designer and computer games developer. This dude can draw, the work he posted on his website are very detailed characters with human like facial expressions.

The computer games – which I will be releasing next year on various platforms, Mobile and PC. All of design works fall under the name Snawlaks, which I aim to form into a functioning brand this year alongside my music as a merchandise outlet. So be on the for that in the near future to support his endeavors.

The emcee states, “I’ve spent years honing my craft in production, and lyricism; along the way building skills in photography, videography, film editing, and mixing/mastering, all to a degree and style that I’m proud to call my own.”

Lets talk about the music because that is what originally caught my attention. The album is a underground banger for sure. He used 14 different producers for the 14 track LP and their is no drop off in production.

The vibe I get is that Bxnjamin is into lo-fi beats and experimental jazz, hip hop fusion. I hear it throughout the album and voice flows over it perfectly.


A question arises in head, ‘Why is the album called SCUM?’ When I think of scum I think of dirt or a person at the bottom of the totem pole. Well come to find out this album was a reflection of self. Bxnjamin states, “Opening my eyes from what possibly has been the darkest, most difficult part of my life, this project has served as self therapy. A conversation with the ego, analysing self direction, and society’s construct in contrast to reality. To search for ourselves or true peace against the grain, Some Colour Us Mad.”

It all makes sense because all go through seasons of our darkest hours searching for the light at the end of the tunnel. He use his lyricism to draw a picture as well as he uses his pencil to draw his characters.

Listen to Some Colour Us Mad (SCUM) below.

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