Actor Corey Hawkins from critically acclaimed show “The Walking Dead” and the blockbuster biopic “Straight Outta Compton” has landed his own series. Hawkins who played Dr.Dre in the NWA biopic will be starring in his own spinoff on FOX.
The spinoff is of the hit show 24 that starred Kiefer Sutherland as Jack Bauer, although Hawkins’ character Eric Carter will not replace Jack Bauer it’s more that he will topline the series and the name of it will be titled 24:Legacy, although FOX ordered a pilot it’s expected to land 13 episodes.
Described as strong and smart, Eric came from a very rough background and turned his life around in the Army Rangers. Now back home in Virginia with his wife Nicole (yet to be cast), he’s pulled back into action as his past comes looking for him.