Kanye West Shares His Christian Beliefs in Vogue Interview
In a new interview with Vogue Kanye West shares his Christian beliefs and his upcoming opera, Mary.
2019 the world witness another transformation of rapper Kanye West, as he launched his Sunday Service concert series. Through this series Kanye expressed his religious beliefs, combining Kanye’s love of music, fashion, and Jesus Christ. West also released Jesus Is King album along with a film which is extension of his Christian beliefs.
In the interview West discusses his faith and how it has changed him.
“I thought I had it all figured out,” says West, but none of it really satisfied him. God has changed “everything, my ego,” “The true principles of Christ can and will make you a better person.”
The rapper touches on his upcoming opera, Maryand shares that it was originally titledBirth of Jesus, but West thought it would be more interesting to tell the story from Mary’s point of view.
In rap, he says, you don’t hear a lot of scripture; these new pieces offer words and scenes directly from the Bible. He wants to use the grand medium of opera to make music that is a “beacon of light.” Or to be a channel for it: “God put it all together,” he says. “I’ll tell you what, when I don’t apply grace, I don’t get the results I’m looking for. Everything must be done with grace. That’s one of the things I pray for—and I need to pray for more.”
Kanye’s refocus on God can be attributed to him being saved earlier this year. He now chooses to surround himself with people who will help him to maintain this transformation: “You can pick your influences,” he says. “I sought out to have Bible study, and to be around other Christians who could keep me accountable.”
Read the entire interview on Vogue’s website